

Aquí vos deix un espectacle diví.... El grup que canta es diu Pentatonix, canten a capel.la una cançó titulada Mary did you know? vosaltres que sou tots uns angloparlants ja, em popdrieu dir de què xerra la cançó? I una altra pregunta, reconeixeu les escenes? en tornar de vacances de Pasqua comentarem el vídeo a classe. Bones Pasques!!!!!

Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you
Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kiss your little baby, you kiss the face of God
Mary did you know? Mary did you know? Mary did you know?
Mary did you know? Mary did you know? Mary did you know?
The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb
Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect lamb?
That sleeping child you're holding is the great I am
Mary did you know? Mary did you know? Mary did you know?
Mary did you know? Mary did you know? Mary did you know? Oh
Mary did you know?

7 comentaris:

Claudia ha dit...

Que xula aquesta canso

Anònim ha dit...

Es molt guapa aquesta canto i aquesta video

Alia,mal y chocolate ha dit...

hola soc n'alia de quart men encanten els videos aquests

Josep ha dit...

content estic que usted agradi

Ramon mprata cuadros ha dit...

Soc na llucia de 5e i la canço es molt guapa

Anònim ha dit...

m'ha agradat molt, es molt xula.Som en Pedro de 5e

Anònim ha dit...

Som n'Adrià de 5è. M'ha agradat molt, tant es video com sa cançó.